Saturday, June 24, 2023

  It really doesn't matter if you are relaxed or natural; colored or gray....ALL Hair requires some type of maintenance.  Even super low fades and bald heads require regular cuts or at the very least sunscreen. SUNSCREEN, which bring me to my point... Stop stressing over hair care and start being proactive about scalp care; and the over all health of your body.  

     I cannot stress this enough HAIR grows from the inside out. If your hair is crap, then it may be beneficial to consider the reality that maybe your body's health isn't that much better.  The state of your hair can be an indicator that you are dehydrated even if YOU believe you drink enough fluids.  People, please take a proactive approach to your health and wellbeing. See your doctor if necessary. Have your vitamin count checked. Talk to your doctor about your health goals and take a supplemental vitamin if necessary. Exercise. GET SOME REST.  Breath deep, exhale and stop stressing every little thing in your life.  Start there and then maybe just maybe you won't need weave (unless you choose to, not because you have to) or have to jump on the natural hair band wagon because you want to blame a relaxer for the otherwise lack of maintenance and persistence with the health of your own hair.  May sound harsh but someone has to say it.  I'm not an advocate for either one I do Natural Hair, Relaxed, Colored and Weave clients (I rock a sew in from time to time myself).  I don't pick sides; it's a personal choice.  No different than the choice to use deodorant or not. Natural hair, Colored hair, or Relaxed hair will all leave you if you neglect it.  Just like a bad relationship. A person or your hair can only stand so much abuse before it says *dueces*.  Sometimes you have to see a professional for a little hair therapy. -Be your own kind beautiful- Until next time.

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